Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ubuntu "Edgy Eft " (Ubuntu 6.10) Install -- FATAL BUG

I took the time to install Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft" this afternoon. I had an old 1 Ghz Toshiba that had crashed (cough, Windows XP) about 18 mos ago, and I finally got around to replacing the hard drive in preparation for making it a Linux laptop (I still have the XP license for running a WinXP IE6 VM!).

The 6.10 mostly went well... up until the point where the install reached the "Prepare Mounts" screen. In Ubuntu 6.10 install, one cannot get past this screen. I'd recommend not installing this version UNTIL THIS BUG IS FIXED. It has a major bug that apparently needs to be fixed. Here is a link to others who have encountered the same bug. I wish I had seen that sooner, so I'm hoping to get the word out about this to others in hopes they don't take the 2 hours of their time I did to get to this point:

I am now installing the stable 6.06 LTS, also known as "Dapper Drake".

The following links will enable you to easily download and install Ubuntu 6.06:

I will follow up with links and thoughts on installing CFMX 7 on Ubuntu 6.06. I recently received an invite to install Coldfusion Scorpio from Ben Forta and hoping to try out an install of Scorpio on both an Intel Mac at work (running both Windows XP and Mac OS X via boot camp) also. Hopefully I have time to document how these go and share them with anyone interested.



Anonymous said...

I wrote zeros to my drive the other day and did an install of 6.10 without a single it doesn't affect everyone. That said, for the person looking for the most stable and reliable version on Ubuntu, 6.06 is certainly the right path to choose.

Mark Holton said...

This was a clean hard drive. The install didn't "hang"... it just apparently has a bug that doesn't allow you to get past "prepare mounts" screen that apparently happens to enough people that there are a few references on the web about it.

See others that have had this issue:

Anonymous said...

i installed it on 3 laptops and about 4 desktops without a problem, guess i'm lucky

Mark Holton said...

Which mirror did you select?

Listen, I'm not bashing, not even close, I have an Ubuntu 6.06 VM and I love it... I want to install 6.10 on this machine. Tried 2 mirrors, it didn't work, I'm sharing that.

Let me know which mirror you selected, and I'll be happy to try that out. It's a clean hard drive, it should work, but 2 mirrors have failed.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes these kind of problems are caused by the BIOS switching drives around at boot-time. One thing you can try is installing with only one drive plugged in, or this is always fixable by putting in the live CD and checking /etc/fstab. You're right though, it's definitely something that needs to be fixed