lawn improvement
Better improvement in ~4-5 days than expected, it's filling in nicely. The 16 point sprinkler ($14.95) in the last two!
A web developer, architect, & aspiring RESTafarian's thoughts on software, web tech, entrepreneurial endeavors and some creative ideas. Mark's current focus is on developing elastic & RESTful Ajax applications on the Cloud with the following technologies: OO and unobtrusive JavaScript using the Prototype JS library, jQuery, and on the server side prefers to write OO code in Ruby, Rails; Amazon EC2 AS3 SimpleDB; mySQL; -- currently learning a new language each year and groking Unix
Maybe not "cool" to say so, but MySpace++. Love the initiative to push forward with Microformats. µFormats ftw
Here's how MySpace's plan is unlike what Facebook is doing. The updates will be marked up for the types of activities they represent with standardized microformat code, beginning with the events format hCal and soon to include the book, movie or other review format hReview. Those little bits of code that will be added could have big consequences.
Keller says the company acknowledges that this won't be a small task for third-party developers, so in the meantime she is working on automated methods of pulling user data in from other sites' Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and marking them up automatically, with the microformat code communicating what kind of updates they are (events, reviews, etc.)
This is pretty lame:
In other words, not only must the dictionary be censored — a dictionary — but even after being purged of “objectionable” words it would only be considered with a 17+ rating. Even after agreeing to these terms, it took another two weeks for Ninjawords to appear in the App Store. According to Crosby, “We gave in and said fine, hoping that we could get on the App Store immediately since the solution to their rejection was a simple metadata change. However, the App Store reviewer would have none of that. We would have to resubmit an entirely new binary and get to the back of the queue before they would look at it again.”