accessing Coldfusion Components (CFC's) question
I haven't had any problems accessing my components (CFC's) when I use dot notation on my localhost, nor have I ever had problems using dot notation when I have a path mapping set up on a remote server. However, this (below) does not work when calling out components in an environment where a mapping is disallowed (shared environment, for instance, where you don't have access to CF adminstrator)-- I'm trying to get my process created in a way that doesn't require me to use full paths, for ANT builds, etc that can be ported to different machines).
Any suggestions for how to access components in a directory such as, for example, wwwroot/ApplicationName/Model/Components
<cfobject name="oContactData" component="ApplicationName.Model.Components.CFCmyprofile ">
<cfset qContacts = #oContactData.getMyContacts(SESSION.auth.SkillshowUserID, -1)#>
Looking for a modified line of the above code that works in a relative path manner-