Tuesday, January 25, 2005

FireFox Programmer Hired at Google


RavDeep and Rich,

I enjoyed reading your article. However, I personally think the
article's position is off the mark with regards to Google creating
their own browser. Just because something is relatively easy
(creating a browser, or buying out an open-source browser creating company), this doesn't mean that it should be done.

While Google's search engine will definitely clash with many of
Microsoft's markets, Google doesn't want to alienate Firefox users, or
that community. They want to work with FireFox to extend their search
technology's market share. Microsoft is a giant beaurocracy that
slows the pace of Google's innovation. To wait for IE is
innefficient. FireFox, on the other hand, is very agile given their
pool of passionate, open source developers. It also has a tremendous
amount of momentum. For Google to create a browser on their own would
be counterproductive, when they can partner with FireFox and both will

Mark Holton

Monday, January 24, 2005

Welcome and "Mobile Google" idea

I thought this was a better forum to air my thoughts that weren't apprpriate for emails, yet I had to unload. I'll hit the ground running and post one right now...

Mobile Google and Mobile Software Development thoughts

You know how Google's Adwords, and the "Google-bot" has reshaped the web (not to mention raised 1.2 billion in a recent IPO)? Besides the search engine's proficiency, this has also happened because of the success of AdWords, including the use of blogs which generate content, links, traffic... for display more ads.

Someone is going to step in within the next 3-5 years and do the same thing with wireless and mobile technology. For example... there will be a similar "Google-bot" spidering cell phone text messages the same way the bot automatically hits gmail messages... and based on one's SMS/text messages and the internet sites hit by someone's mobile phone a new company could serve up Cost-Per-Click ads that matched that user's interest. A company or the industry itself could dervive a way to determine if a cell phone hit a standard web, and or a mobile web page. It would not be intrusive, and would be anonymous, and would only point you to sites that you have "expressed" an interest in (i.e. by visiting, or through the text in your text messages). Only it will be on Mobile Technology such as cell phones, Pocket PC's, tablet PC's and PDA's (which will no doubt be connected to the web sooner rather than later.) Just like Google can now recommend restaurants, hotels, etc or at least point you towards one in your area, the mobile Search Engine will do the same. Eventually in 20+ years, they will converge, but there will be a time for a company to step in and dominate this market like Google did with their search engine. It might even be Google themself.

Mobile software development is the next big thing. Broadband internet users are increasing, memory is getting cheaper and better performing, processors are getting faster... all of this makes mobile devices increasingly more capable. There will be significant leaps in the amount of broadband users as government on the city and local level (in the US and elsewhere) invest in broadband technologies to stimulate their economies. Within 8 years, highspeed wireless internet will be ubiquitous, and cell phones, Pocket PC's, tablet PC's, all computers and most TV's will be wired (finally!). Software technologies like ColdFusion will make it increasingly easier for developers to make SECURE and ROBUST code on internet and mobile devices that share data in controlled formats with other mobilie devices and central servers. The opportunities lie in creative application development that fill various consumer and business market needs, and software development technologies that are enabling.

...that's just my opinion in 20 minutes or less.